Less crashing out, more going off
and locking in

Learn an emotional toolkit that slays so you can be ✨that✨ girl today, tomorrow, and forever

We teach you emotional ed in fun, science-backed ways that actually click so you can spend less time anxious and overwhelmed and more time enjoying the magic of girlhood and of being you

Between AP classes, after school practices and events, looming test and college application deadlines, friendship sagas, social media chaos, the news cycle, twelve-part skincare routines, and just being a human being trying to figure it all out, being a girl can be... overwhelming.

Even though there are simple and deeply fulfilling skills that can have you gliding through these challenges with grace and flair, these tools aren't offered even as electives. Sigh. But seriously, make it make sense.With the right emotional well-being education, life can start feeling better right away. Every piece of it, from academics, to fun, to friendships, to how confident you feel about yourself.Honestly, if there was ONE thing to learn to be a diva and stay a diva for life, it would be this.

Any of these sound familiar?










Girlhood is NOT for the faint of heart.

But it doesn't need to be as hard as it is, either.We live in a world that isn't always kind, encouraging, and present for girls.

And even though we've never had more options, the emotional toll of "fitting in" to all the unspoken rules about girlhood is still finding its way into girls' lives.Between the stress of a fast-paced schedule and limitless stream of cultural pressures, you can lose touch with or never get to grow all the way into the power of your inner voice, emotional truth, and capacity to lead your life with brilliance, pleasure, and sparkling confidence.

When that happens, you might find yourself feeling anxious, trapped, frustrated, sad, angry, unable to really relax, frozen, disconnected, or quietly fading into emotional numbness.

But the problem was never you, or even how you might be feeling right now if you can relate to this.

The problem is that girls don't often get everything they need to truly thrive. To feel their best, know their worth and value, and get practice sharing their deepest self (and deepest gifts) with the world.

And the thing is, we need girls, like YOU, fully thriving and naturally, confidently shining their brightest.

There's just no way the world will be as amazing as it can be until every girl's genius, radiance, magic, and leadership - YOUR genius, radiance, magic, and leadership - is lit up from within, fully expressed, and taking up its critical space in the big group project of the modern culture and society.

We want to know, what's the kind
of girlhood you most want?

At Girlhood Academy, we help teen girls feel amazing from the inside out, take up space, find their joy, achieve their goals, create the friendships they want, share their talents, and be confident leaders their way by handing them the keys to the kingdom of tending to their emotional well-being.

Girlhood Academy exists because, more than ever, young women need places to be mentored, connected, and powerfully supported in their journey of learning how they want to care for themselves, lead their lives, and align with what they value most.

Whether it's softening the perfectionism that's running you into the ground, rethinking your calendar/screen time/inner voice to give you more joy and balance in life, or just feeling more energized and emotionally well overall, I'm confident that our evidence-based and time-tested approach can help you enjoy your magical girlhood more than ever.

Nothing makes every aspect of your life better like emotional well-being does. That's why what we teach and how we teach it can change your girlhood for the better. The good news is, nurturing emotional thriving is something every single girl can learn, and, we promise, there's so much fun to be had in the process.

In today's world, emotional wellness is not so simple

You want to have more great days where you feel amazing about yourself and your life, the only problem is:

  • The "off" feeling seems to come out of nowhere and/or be so persistent you think it might just be how you're built

  • There's just so much to DO and slowing down to reset or take a break from all the pressure doesn't feel like an option

  • All the self-care ideas out there seem either so boring and generic that they would feel more like another chore to check off than something actually exciting/nourishing that'd leave you glowing for days

  • OR so wildly expensive and out of reach that you can't imagine anything in your life feeling quite as good as what's on someone's shiny, gorgeous IG grid (is that another trip to Paris??)

  • You actually feel good a lot of the time, when nothing crazy is happening, so it seems like you'll really feel even better AFTER the next essay is done, the SAT is behind you, you get into college (where, sorry, there will be more essays), etc... so it just makes sense to put the next level of thriving off since surely it will be different then. Only, there always seems to be another stressful, disappointing, or just plain bad thing that comes along to ruin the vibe almost immediately (cue menty b number 6,409,458)

  • Confidence seems like it's something for people who "have it together" in every single way, win every fit off, or would be likely to succeed on YouTube, Tiktok, or maybe Etsy?

  • Other people's version of happiness doesn't match your own a lot of the time so you feel a little lost about what your best life might be, or, if it even exists

As much as we want the inside to feel as shiny as the outside can look (or even more shiny), it seems like their's a Google-able article or ChatGPT prompt for every problem except how to fully, authentically, outrageously thrive on your own individual terms, in the exact life you've been handed.Often what feels amazing to one person feels awful or just "meh" to us but it feels easier to blame ourselves and try to change who we are than keep going on what's starting to feel like a doomed quest to find a version of "Woohoo, this is it!" that feels like home and that actually turns out to be very possible and real.

It's not a doomed quest though. Feeling good, feeling aligned, feeling at home in ourselves, in our bodies, in our lives, in our relationships, and in our path in the world is actually something we're designed to experience, too.The reason AI can't take us all the way there is simple, being well as a human being with emotional needs and gifts that have been crafted over a lifetime of ever shifting experiences is not just a cognitive process that we can lift from a book or algorithm. There is no book, article, or fad out there for ANYONE that holds the exact recipe to their personal thriving.Emotional wellness isn't something you can can memorize with flashcards or pull an all nighter the day before to ace. Which is unfortunate because a lot of us have gotten really good at those things over the years.

Emotional wellness is a lot more like growing a garden - it takes time, patience, and a lot of knowledge both of how things work in general and what exactly is going on right now for you in your inner climate to nurture something magical that actually delights and supports you every day. And that, with care and tending, can grow even more dazzling as seasons change and the landscape of your life does with them.

Becoming the steward of YOU, your vibe, the secret sauce that springs from the unique and gorgeous garden of your inner world and emotional life, that's what we're talking about.And, we're not gonna lie, it's not exactly easy. But it is so worth it.

Maybe what you want is...
more lightness,
more confidence,
more magic,
more ease,
more rest,
more play,
more purpose,
more energy,
more self-worth,
more friendship,
more fulfillment,
more fun,
more real, lasting

Emotional health is different for everyone but it shows signs.

When we feel our best, it shows in our energy level, our inner dialogue, our sharpness of mind, our creativity and resourcefulness, the quality of our relationships, and the intentionality of the choices we make.When our emotional landscape is like a wildflower meadow graced with sunshine and butterflies, life feels a whole lot easier.Maybe your inner world feels more like a crocodile ridden swamp or empty parking lot with tumbleweeds rolling through more often than you'd like. Maybe you've tried changing things on the outside to bring some much needed comfort and color to these places only to find that no shiny new buy, no new aesthetic, no "perfect" morning routine has made a lasting change in the places you spend most time - your mind and your heart.When you keep finding yourself in an emotional swamp, no matter what's happening on the outside, something feels a little off, and the unanswered questions about what's really going on weigh on you and make everything feel just a little harder, day after day, until, for the millionth time, you're exhausted and it feels impossible to go on.

Our message to you: you don't have to live in the emotional swamp of chronic dissatisfaction, confusion, anxiety, overwhelm, burn out, or unending self-doubts. The path into the swamp is paved by a world that will pile more and more demands on you without giving you the resources to meet them or make your own choices, but the path out of the swamp is paved by your power, joy, self-connection, radiance, belonging, and leadership.

To shore these up, you need way more support than you've had up to now. Like a plant needs sunshine to grow, you need energy poured into you, from yourself, yes, and from the outside. From mentors and peers who can help you name the needs and desires you didn't know you could have and show you how to meet them so that more and more your inner world feels like a place you're completely psyched to inhabit.This is the work that transforms everything life throws at you into rich soil for your own most luscious and beautiful possibilities to blossom, again and again.

Emotional well-being is the foundation for everything you want to experience and create in life because it's what resources you to take on the inevitable challenges that come with living how you most want to live. (Spoiler alert: when you have the tools and internal and external supports to care for yourself in tough times, the hard parts can start to feel like the best parts).

The antidote to the emotional challenges that are part of our current environment is dialing up your power, wellness, inner safety, joy, and self-leadership to match the ever expanding number of demands and opportunities we have in a hyperconnected world.If there's someone that can rise to that challenge, it's you. We know it.

No generation before has had to face this exact
social and technological landscape.

And the support available to young women has not kept pace with all the new and shifting challenges. This is where we enter the chat.If our paths have crossed, it's probably because you have a sense of just how hard, emotionally intense, and complex things are being a girl today. We're glad you're here. If you've read this far, we know you're already dreaming up even better possibilities for yourself and all girls. We're here to tell you you don't have to live in overwhelm, dread, or untended emotional pain.

We and every girl who wants to join us are creating a new landscape of girlhood by tending a space where girls' quality of wellness, joy, leadership, and power are being rewritten by and for each girl herself as she explores all that she is and discovers her invaluable place in this wild new world. We hope you join us ♡

Girlhood is supposed to be fun. And nothing will take you there faster than becoming the queen of your inner world in a community that's dancing and leveling up through life with you.

welcome to our corner of the world, beautiful girl. We're so excited you're here

Because, can we be real?
The world needs your magic

Every girl has magic and brilliance inside her that lights up most fully only when she gets all the support she needs to tend to the beautiful and wild garden of her emotional world.

When we have the tools, support, and relationships that empower us to tend to our inner selves, face our toughest challenges, and make choices that honor our needs and desires, the life in front of us becomes an exciting and safe place to grow, explore, and fully bloom.Everything feels easier, connections happen naturally, our priorities fall right into place, and life becomes a playground for expressing all the goodness we carry for the world in ways that are fun, meaningful, and completely authentic to us.This is what emotional well-being looks and feels like, and we want it to be the standard experience for every young woman setting out to define her path, share her voice in the world, and make decisions for herself.

Overwhelm and anxiety are part and parcel of living in a tech saturated world, and they show up in our lives in a lot of ways

maybe you've found yourself:

  • Scrolling on social media hoping to feel engaged and connected only to find yourself feeling more drained and anxious afterward

  • Being a perfectionist in one or ALL areas of your life because going after just one more win feels easier than facing the anxiety that comes with slowing down, only to find that the constant chase for better/more is starting to exact a high emotional price

  • Rushing from one commitment to the next checking all or most of the "high achievement" or "best life" boxes only to find that you still feel a lingering sense of dissatisfaction or numbness inside that you can’t seem to shake no matter what you change on the outside

  • Feeling disconnected from the people in your life or people in general because as your emotional landscape gets more complex, you feel increasingly misunderstood and the path to common ground has become totally elusive

  • Feeling stuck in some way, feeling like you're not quite where you're supposed to be in life, anxiously waiting for something to change, or imagining better scenarios for your life that feel impossible and far away

  • Knocked down by waves of anxiety, exhaustion, longing, or self doubt that crash all over your life, leaving you feeling like you’re just barely holding it together sometimes

Listen, it's not your fault that girlhood is so challenging.Whatever way you're feeling is exactly how you should be feeling given the whirlwind of input and experiences daily life offers you.You didn't choose to have the challenges of coming of age in a hyper fast-paced, culturally confusing world but you can choose to give yourself everything you need to not be taken down by them.

Finding your magic in the mess is the biggest gift you'll ever give yourself, we promise.

Seriously, what would it look like if you could start thriving more right now?

Let's imagine that you could:

  • Know exactly how to relate to social media and the other highly compelling tech in your life in a way that left you feeling energized and happy

  • Navigate through the challenges of a full academic and extra-curricular calendar with calm, clarity, self-confidence, balance, and more real, delicious enjoyment

  • Feel good and excited about your evolving life story, your sense of self, and your daily decisions and opportunities – feel good about YOU, no matter what doubts and challenges come up

  • Know how to tune into the compass of your needs and desires to find direction and authentic motivation and inspiration when things feel off

  • Know precisely what kinds of amazing relationships and relationship qualities you most want and how to work toward them

  • Pause the anxiety train whenever it got rolling and start carving a new path of calm, compassion, and confidence as you lead your life with brilliant self-sourced wisdom, stable self-gentleness, and a clear view of matters most

  • Have an amazing group of young women sharing this journey with you, figuring it out by your side, and forming deep connections based on shared values and mutual support

  • Support yourself through any emotional experience and have the internal resources necessary to courageously build a life based on what you really love

We want that for youWho you would be if you felt like an 8, 9, or 10/10 most days is who you most deeply areThat girl is inside you — and she's exactly who we've all been waiting for

Maybe you'd be finishing your assignments in a more peaceful way, with time to spare, so you could look at your calendar and feel relaxed rather than petrified by looming deadlines.Maybe you'd wake up refreshed after sleeping 8+ solid hours every night and excited for everything you'd planned in your day.Maybe you'd enjoy all your favorite things more without the guilt of telling yourself there could be something more "productive" to do.Maybe you'd find new hobbies and exciting creative projects that actually light you all the way up.Maybe you'd plan an adventure with friends, or make plans with someone who's prime potential friend vibes.Maybe you'd still be a glorious, chaotic mess figuring it all out one day at a time (same) but enjoying yourself and feeling good about life and about you the whole messy, authentic, and beautiful time.Who knows, you'd probably be up to iconic things that have never been done before because there's only one you and you are finally most fully you when you feel safe and happy in the world and in your self.

There's only one way to find out what you could create, nurture, enjoy, and discover about yourself when you're at peak emotional health:
you have to start living in a way that allows you to thrive, today.

We got you, girl. The journey towards discovering and nurturing your own emotional well-being takes practice, work, and the ability to start again and again – all better done in community and with a lot of encouragement and support.

That's what we created our flagship program and community for. For you and for every girl who wants to design a life that radiates authentic wellness and leaves no stone of magic and nourishing fun unturned, all while sending your most meaningful goals and making a powerful, positive difference in the world.

Get in, girl, we're thriving now

✨📣 Introducing 📣✨

Girlhood 101

A 7-week experiential learning container designed to help you learn, personalize, and apply the most important tools you need to create emotional well-being, confidence, connection, and flow in your life so that you can spend less time anxious and overwhelmed and more time enjoying all the great things about girlhood and about being you.

let's break this down

Here's what we're all about:

Nervous System Support

All the skills we'll get great at together require a foundation of nervous system care that keeps you feeling balanced and in the driver's seat of your up and down regulated moments. The nervous system toolkit we teach and practice on day one hands you the keys to nurturing your needs and shifting your state when you're triggered, spiraling down, or frozen in numbness. These skills don't lock in overnight, so we take a layered and paced approach integrating them into our lives in ways that make the most sense and drive the most impact for our personal experience. The only way to truly have this superpower on hand when you need it is consistent practice and a personal relationship with what works best for you, specifically, so we focus on and hone both in our learning process.


Community is the heartbeat of our emotional well-being curriculum because it is the heart of emotional well-being. In both our live sessions and 24/7 community chat, we get to know each other deeply. share ideas about what tools and modifications are working for us, and get support navigating any challenges that come up over the course of the week that are getting in the way of our weekly assignments or any aspect of showing up for ourselves. The power of daily touch points for support, accountability, and celebration is hard to overstate. This is where messages can be sent anonymously for one-on-one support or shared to the group for crowdsourcing the encouragement and inspiration we need to keep cultivating our emotional wellness skillset.


The way our world is changing faster and faster every year means we have to stay creative and responsive about our self-care as much as anything else. Through weekly practices, we build and expand our personal creative agency and decision making muscles so that no matter what challenges lay ahead in the next ten minutes or the next decade, we can adapt, find life-enhancing ways to meet our needs, and keep growing in the direction we choose. The best preparation for experiences we've never faced before is knowing how to work with our gifts, our needs, and the current state of our internal and external resources moment to moment so this skill is something we return to every single week in our time-tested well-being framework.

our curriculum, at a glance

Learn skills that will last you a lifetime

Over 7 modules, we'll explore the complex features of our internal and external landscapes that shape the ways we can create emotional well-being in our lives. These are the BIG things, like our nervous system patterns, our natural hormonal cycle, our inner voice, our relationships, and our relationship to social media and the tech in our lives. While each topic is juicy enough for a lifetime of exploration, a foundation of understanding and applied skills in each one is the road between being able to envision better for ourselves and knowing and doing what's required to get there. With the in-depth and personalized support you'll receive throughout this program, you'll be able to take all you already know and all we'll be learning about these topics and put it into real-time practice in your world to create a life that feels balanced, exciting, and deeply nourishing to you.These 7 weeks are not about digesting more information, they're about starting to actively nurture a strong and steady sense of well-being that you can tap into at any moment because you have the power and confidence to tend to your inner and outer world and the skills and support to do so.

Let the journey to your most well, aligned, and sparkly life begin.

Here's what we'll delve into on the way there:

Module one

Nervous System

We'll start by looking under the hood of our daily lives to understand the central regulator of our bodies' physical and emotional processes (#girlsinSTEM). In this module we learn about the science of our nervous system states, why they're all important, and ways we can work with each state to bring balance to our emotional lives. The heart of this workshop is an interactive component where you map out the way each state looks and feels to you in your actual life so that you can get better at recognizing the physical foundation of your experiences and what specifically to focus on when you're navigating your way through them.

Module two

The Menstural Cycle

Being a young woman often includes the intricate hormonal ride of having or being poised to have a menstrual cycle. We're going to demystify what's happening in our bodies as shifting hormone levels impact neurotransmitters and other body systems (i.e. ask the question "What the heck is happening to me??"). This week's workshop and assigned tools will build your knowledge of your personal menstrual pattern and how you can nurture yourself emotionally through each part of your cycle (beyond chocolate, which we endorse). We'll normalize the range of emotional experiences that can often accompany a hormonal rhythm and learn how to discover your power in all your seasons.

Module three

Self Love and Self Care

At this point in our wellness journey ™️ (not really a trademark), we build on the strong foundation of nervous system support and emotional self-care we practiced in the first two weeks to start investigating how we've been in our relationship with ourselves. What does your self talk look like? What kinds of stories and beliefs about who you are are you carrying and how do you feel about them? Most importantly, this workshop will uncover where there are opportunities in how you talk and think about yourself to bring more curiosity, compassion, love, and respect because that's what fuels a lifetime of self-tending and radiant wellness.

Module four


Inhale and... exhale. Halfway through our time together, we take a week to practice pausing to integrate and refine everything we've learned and experienced thus far. This session is a guided process of deepening and reflecting on what we've already covered and taking stock of what is and isn't working for you. Pausing and reflecting is a lifelong skill (trust). We'll talk about how and why to pace our learning process and celebrate all the effort we've put into our emotional wellness so far. This week of rest and celebration will be the springboard to taking all your shiny new tools, knowledge, and expanding well-being out into all the other areas of your life.

Module five


No girl is an island. The web of our relationships and our level of knowledge about what kinds of relationships nurture our emotional well-being most has a larger impact on our wellness than any other area. While our capacity to show up for and nurture ourselves is non-negotiable for our well-being, it's certainly not a replacement for the support, wisdom, and joy we receive from others. This week we delve into (and practice!) how we can create relationships we thrive in by understanding the why, the what, and the how of exploring and expressing our needs, wishes, hurts, and boundaries from the heart. V demure, v mindful of us.

Module six


For the girls of recent and future generations, technology is a part of the fabric of our lives that will have a major impact on how supported or how drained we are. This week's focus is understanding how social media and being immersed in the endless stream of information we experience via technology impacts our brain's emotional processes. Once again, we'll learn the science and ground it in our personal lived experience to get a clear picture of where social media and tech are adding to our lives and where there are opportunities to change things in favor of greater emotional wellness. Whatever you find to be true for you, there are tools and strategies you can use to make your experience of online life even better (think happy scrolls, meaningful scrolls, cozy scrolls, woohoo).

Module seven

How to Make Decisions

At the end of the day, our well-being comes down to the decisions we make moment to moment, day after day. Everything we'll learn will have meaning and impact in our lives to the extent that we can make decisions that stem from our expanding sense of what's true and good for us and where we'd like to grow. This module is where we apply everything we've learned about powerfully supporting ourselves to create a personal process for choosing how you want show up to all the areas of your life so that you can nurture your emotional well-being, brightest sparkle, and personal fulfillment day after day after day after day, in girlhood and beyond.


I created Girlhood Academy to give young women a head start in emotional well-being so they can thrive and share their magic with the world no matter what ups, downs, and side quests life has in store for them.As a millennial, I know first hand how growing up in a fast-paced, technologically saturated world can be a two-edged sword when it comes to caring for our mental and emotional health.Girlhood 101 is built on everything I've found most valuable in my personal journey, in my work as a teacher and well-being educator, and in my experience partnering with my own sisterhood of brilliant women in the work of emotional wellness. In other words, it's a framework built for the complexity and richness of our lives today that's never one-size-fits-all or too simplified to address our realest, messiest challenges.Every woman I know experienced challenges in girlhood that took years if not decades for her to unwind from because of gaps (more like deep canyons) in support for figuring out how to navigate and thrive through the emotional challenges of life as a girl today. When we are confronted with challenges in the absence of adequate support and resources, we learn to brace against what might come next instead of joyfully moving forward in life with confidence, gratitude, and inspiration.

What mental health statistics tell us is that young women are experiencing an extremely high level of challenges to their well-being. Long before I started Girlhood Academy, I was one of these statistics and the numbers haven't gotten any better in the last decade and half. Many of the changes in daily life that are contributing to increasing rates of anxiety, depression, burn out, and diminished self-confidence among young women aren't going away, so what needs to change is the level of support provided to every young woman to meet, and absolutely thrive in, these circumstances. This is our goal at Girlhood Academy.You don't need to be at rock bottom to want and receive support. My own girlhood was a mixed bag with a lot of magic (and several rock bottoms, dumpster fires, and WTF plot twists too) and through it all I was able to make it to my dream university (Stanford), land my dream job (advocating for women in Washington D.C.), and live out all my bucket list experiences (traveling the world). Still, had I known and had a handle on all these tools when I was setting out to do that, I would have enjoyed it all a whole lot more, shone even brighter, and bounced back from the many inevitable disappointments and redirections so much faster.And, if you are overwhelmed by the challenges you're facing in any way, I promise you, there is magic and gold in that too. That was very much my experience too. What I learned is that with the right support, no emotional pain or hurdles in life can stop you from blooming your very brightest. And you deserve that, and always have.What I want for every girl is for her to have every current of support possible helping carry her towards her most radiant, authentic, satisfying, emotionally whole, and purpose-filled life.It's my soul mission that every generation of girls start their journey with more resources, more community, more support, more confidence, and more joy than ever before. Every young woman deserves to have an abundance of the emotional support, skills mentorship, and magical sisterhood she needs to step into her most radiant well-being.Let's make that future happen, together. I can't wait.


this is def for you if...

  • You want a relationship with yourself that allows you to appreciate and enjoy your life to the fullest, no holding back, no matter what the next social media trend has to say about it

  • You have big dreams for your life that include making a positive impact, sharing your voice, and being the most radiant and powerful version of yourself

  • You have a sense that anxiety, doubt, and overwhelm are not meant to be constant companions and realize you can make a difference in your experience when you apply attention, focus, and consistent practice

  • You're hungry to learn more about yourself from a nervous system and hormonal perspective so that you can have your back as a human being designed for shifting emotional states and cycles

  • You know that emotional wellness is the key to unlocking your creativity, power, and fulfillment in every area of your life and are committed to tending to yourself like someone valuable and important

  • You crave a space where you can talk about the things that are really important for you in life, the big questions you have about yourself and the world, and the powerful emotional journey of being you

The deets

What's included:

  • 7 in-depth, actionable experiential workshops on emotional wellness

  • Daily personalized and group support in our community portal and through our customized daily practice curriculum

  • A powerful community of young women to create your best life with and alongside of

Session dates and times:

Our Summer 2025 cohort will run from Jun XX - Aug XX with weekly online workshops on Wednesdays from 1-2:15pm PSTBecause of the highly interactive nature of this program, spots are limited and we recommend signing up early

feel your deepest joy

What if your girlhood could be a lot more magical and fun?

If you've been trying to figure it all out on your own, understanding and being the caretaker of your inner world and emotional thriving can feel like an impossible task. No one is meant to do it alone. Even the good gets better when we have the right support and community in our corner.At the end of seven weeks of carefully mapping out your unique blueprint as an emotional being, you will have the tools and the sisterhood at your side to create a life that you deeply love on the inside as much as the outside.

you are so worth it

Whatever it takes to know you're amazing and that you've got this, that's worth giving your energy to

There's no question that girlhood today is full of emotional challenges that can curb flourishing. Your struggles are not a statement about you. They are a facet of the world we live in. Your thriving and your magic, and the gift of your presence and voice in the world, is so worth showing up for.Showing up for yourself in every way you need to be your most whole and confident self matters even when, and especially because, it's not always easy. You CAN thrive from the inside out, and the world is so much better when your most radiant and powerful expression is shining in it. We'll be here to cheer you on and light the path every step of the way.

Even the good gets better when we have loving community and abundant support around us. If you're craving or curious to have a little more, we're here to pour it on.

we want to see you win

Your best life is the life that feels the best to you, even on the hard days

Whether you're finding your way through the stress of college applications, emotional highs and lows, an intense schedule, a love/hate relationship with screen time, or less than cozy relationships, we believe the inevitable ups and downs of girlhood can be a brilliant laboratory for finding your unique path of thriving and creating the life you want.It takes effort, commitment, and courage to show up for your emotional thriving — and it is SO WORTH IT. The reward for learning to meet yourself with and ask for all the support it takes to feel grounded, vibrantly alive, at home in yourself, and connected to everything that brings you more joy and energy is a life that sparkles with the beauty of you at your best.

radiant well-being
looks good on you

You already have all the answers, learning to live them is so much more fun in sisterhood

Guidance, community, and focused support go a long way in helping us tap into our own brilliance when it comes to how to best take care of ourselves and emotionally thrive – even in the face of our doubts, fears, worries, hurts, and moments of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.If this is calling to you, you're at the threshold of one of the most important journeys of your life. The world will never be all it can be until you and every girl have all you need to be totally at home and empowered, in both your inner world and the world we're creating together. That's what we're building here.

Join us

If you're ready to...

  • Jump into action creating your emotional well-being

  • Meet young women who are passionate about doing the same

  • Start developing skills that will help you stay the course of a fulfilling, delicious-to-you life no matter what life throws at you

We would be so excited to have you on this journey with us!

Frequently asked questions

Having the skills to nurture your emotional well-being and the support and community it takes to practice them day in and day out is game-changing.

This is not just an elective, this is not something you'll forget about three months after our last session.This is where we – together, in a deliberately guided way – unlock the doors to all the magic of your inner world and emotional power.

Your inner magic is what you get to spend your whole life learning about and bringing dazzlingly to life.Choosing to dive deep into understanding and stewarding the beautiful, vast landscape of your brilliant, messy, human experience is the most brave and powerful step you'll take to knowing and caring for yourself, and all the light inside you, better than anyone else ever could.And you are so worth it.

Hello, have we met yet? I'm Pema Rojas

Girls' girls from day one and fan of life and girlhood actually feeling amazing

I created Girlhood Academy because it's exactly what I most longed for growing up in a world that seemed to care a lot more about how my life looked – on a transcript, online, as an elevator pitch to a passing stranger – than how it felt.The result of which was getting way better at random skills (I learned Sanskrit in college) than I was at taking amazing care of myself and living out my joy and my values to the fullest extent possible. Which, by the way, has only made me better at picking up random skills — important things, ofc, like learning the apple dance and running this passion project (hii, hope you vibe).

Along the way my career has spanned women's leadership development, early education, and, a fav, facilitating somatic-based well-being workshops for BIPOC.

After a decade of training in social-emotional learning models and applying them in the classroom, in workshops, and in my own life, I became frustrated with the huge gap of support I was seeing for young women. I was done hearing amazing women finally living their best lives tell me, always with the deepest sigh, "If only I'd learned all of this when I was younger." I want to scream every time I hear that because every single one of them deserved that – a lifetime of connection to her most whole, fulfilled, and potent self.Girlhood Academy is a love letter to the girls of today and to everyone that loves them and is building a truly better world and experience of girlhood for them. Cultivating emotional well-being isn't easy either way, but it's so much more manageable and fun when done with aligned support and radiant community.

In my experience, the women who are unstoppably radiant and connected to their power always have the support of an entire sisterhood and community behind them.Because, emotional wellness is work. And the world will keep giving us plenty of reasons to stop shining, trusting ourselves, expressing our deepest values, creating what we most deeply desire, or owning our power. True emotional wellness - the kind that takes us from coping to thriving - takes practice, learning, courage, and a broad set of skills that most of us hopefully eventually pick up, here and there, maybe, if we're lucky. Or, we get them from the other amazing women in our lives who are standing beside us, figuring it all out too.

In my girlhood, while I was checking off every box of what I was told made me a "high achiever," and mastering every skill I was told would be super useful to me (some were, some weren't, I'm looking at you MLA formatting), I quickly found something important was missing. Everything looked amazing on the outside but on the inside it was becoming harder and harder to find my spark, and the sense of freedom, possibility, and power I used to wake up with every day was becoming something I felt like I had to fight for or somehow get back to again. Only, that approach wasn't really working, and most of my peers were in the same boat with me, no land in sight.

The (frustrating) thing is, so much that's out there about wellness isn't informed by the full context teenage girls live in today, or equipped to meet the very specific challenges it presents. When I was figuring this out on my own, I did my best to translate what I learned into my world, but most if it didn't match up very well if at all. When I saw a counselor for the first time my Sophomore year, they asked me like five questions and recommended a book written by some guy who had lived a century before me. BFFR. Great inspiration (I guess?) but what I needed to know is what all of that actually meant for my life, my body, my choices and challenges, and my very, very different world.The world is changing fast - literally faster than ever. Social shifts large and small, technology, the way both of these shape our daily experiences in both obvious and hard-to-see ways. This is the context we have to create and nurture our wellness in and the time-tested techniques, as wonderful as they are, require some major modern additions and updates (on a cycle more like iOS than textbook reprints) to fit into and make sense in the lives we lead today.

Girlhood 101 is wellness for the iPhone age, the Tiktok age, for actually today and actually young women's bodies and young women's lives - which, thanks to #womeninSTEM we are finally getting more research on. It's an evolving, anti-boring, flexible curriculum that's designed to bridge long-standing principles with new research and present day realities on a day-to-day and individual basis to make emotional well-being something actionable, achievable, and actually fun (aka authentic) for an up-and-coming young woman.Being well today looks different than it did even thirty years ago, let alone one hundred. And I wish I'd gotten at least as good at identifying and applying the key skills of adaptive, context specific, moment-to-moment, self-managed emotional well-being in my particular, radically modern life as I got at advanced calculus and five paragraph essays.

Girlhood Academy is the magic carpet ride over that giant gap. We teach the emotional wellness skills that actually speak to the lives we're living now. Not "hacks" or the kinds of one-size-fits all inspirational phrases served up on Instagram carousels (though we love those and they def have their place). Actual, life-changing, emotional black-belt level skills for the challenges and moments of your particular life, and the desires and needs of your particular heart.Younger me would have thrived so much more fully with this kind of contemporary, thorough, tailored emotional support and guidance when she was starting out. Shout out to her for doing her best. And, no girl should have to figure it out alone and unsupported.

If you've been face-to-face with some of the emotional challenges of girlhood and are experiencing anxiety, self-doubt, exhaustion, numbness, frustration, loneliness, dread, rage, sadness, or the kind of creepy crawly discomfort in your body that you can't really put a finger on, you're in the right place.  We made this for you <3These skills should be taught widely, and, until they are, we're like your SAT prep class but for the challenges of life — if SAT prep was fun, and if having fun was the actual assignment.Thriving isn't ever just an individual responsibility, we are all responsible for helping each other thrive. And we want you to know you're never alone and, whatever you're going through, there are people and places out there that will support you with exactly that so you can move on to the most important work you're here to do — being you.If you need/crave the kind of environment we're creating here, let's goooo! We're ready to roll if you are. And we won't stop until every girl is living her most emotionally vibrant and delicious life.We love you girl <3

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Send any questions and inquiries to: [email protected] or via this contact formTo get on the waitlist for a future round, click hereTo find out more about requesting a workshop or workshop series for your school/club/organization please write to us at: [email protected]For donations to our scholarship fund click here or write to: [email protected]Let's be friends on Instragam:

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Just bite-sized reminders that you deserve to be well today and
not a second later. Love you, girl.

Terms of Service

Last Updated Jan 18, 2025The GistWe (the folks at Girlhood Academy) are on a mission to make the world a better place for girls. We hope you love our programs and services as much as we love creating them.These Terms of Service (”Terms”) describe our commitments to you, and your rights and responsibilities when using our services. Please read them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions. If you don’t agree to these Terms, don’t use our services.If you are a user in countries located in the European Economic Area, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom (“European User”), some special terms apply to you as mentioned below.Terms of ServiceThese Terms govern your access to and use of girlhoodacademy.com and all other products and services we provide through girlhoodacademy.com and Girlhood Academy (our “Services”).Please read these Terms carefully before accessing or using our Services. By accessing or using any part of our Services, you agree to be bound by all of the Terms and all other operating rules, policies, and procedures that we may publish via the Services from time to time (collectively, the “Agreement”). You also agree that we may automatically change, update, or add on to our Services as stated in the Terms, and the Agreement will apply to any changes.1. Who’s Who“You” means any individual or entity using our Services. If you use our Services on behalf of another person or entity, you represent and warrant that you’re authorized to accept the Agreement on that person’s or entity’s behalf, that by using our Services you’re accepting the Agreement on behalf of that person or entity, and that if you, or that person or entity, violates the Agreement, you and that person or entity agree to be responsible to us.We refer to Maria Adriana Rojas-Echenique, sole proprietor, d/b/a Girlhood Academy, as “Girlhood Academy,” “us,” or “we” throughout these Terms.2. Minimum Age RequirementsOur Services are not directed to children. You’re not allowed to access or use our Services if you’re under the age of 13 (or 16 in Europe). If you use our Services, you represent that you’re at least 13 (or 16 in Europe). You may use our Services only if you can legally form a binding contract with us. In other words, if you’re under 18 years of age (or the legal age of majority where you live), you can only use our Services under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to the Agreement.3. Fees, Payment, and RenewalPayment. You must provide accurate and up-to-date payment information. By providing your payment information, you authorize us to store it until you request deletion. If your payment fails, we suspect fraud, or Paid Services are otherwise not paid for or paid for on time (for example, if you contact your bank or credit card company to decline or reverse the charge of fees for Paid Services), we may immediately cancel or revoke your access to Paid Services without notice to you. You authorize us to charge any updated payment information provided by your bank or payment service provider (e.g., new expiration date) or other payment methods provided if we can’t charge your primary payment method.Fees and Changes. We may change our fees at any time in accordance with these Terms and requirements under applicable law. This means that we may change our fees going forward, start charging fees for Services that were previously free, or remove or update features or functionality that were previously included in the fees. If you don’t agree with the changes, you must cancel your Paid Service.Refunds. We may have a refund policy for some of our Paid Services, and we’ll also provide refunds if required by law. In all other cases, there are no refunds and all payments are final.We may have a “no-show policy” for some Paid Services that require your participation. This means that if you don’t show up for, don’t participate in, or are late for a scheduled session, you’ll still be charged for the Paid Service and won’t be entitled to a refund.4. FeedbackWe love hearing from you and are always looking to improve our Services. When you share comments, ideas, or feedback with us, you agree that we’re free to use them without any restriction or compensation to you.5. Copyright PolicyAs we ask others to respect our intellectual property rights, we respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe any Content violates your copyright, please notify us at [email protected]. After we receive a valid and complete notice, we will investigate, remove the material.6. Intellectual PropertyThe Agreement doesn’t transfer any Girlhood Academy or third-party intellectual property to you, and all right, title, and interest in and to such property remains (as between Girlhood Academy and you) solely with Girlhood Academy. Materials on girlhood.com and program materials provided as part of our other services are copyrighted. The original materials that have been provided to you are for your individual use only as a single-user license.7. ChangesWe may modify the Terms from time to time, for example, to reflect changes to our Services (e.g., adding new features or benefits to our Services or retiring certain features of certain Services) or for legal, regulatory, or security reasons. If we do this, we’ll provide notice of the changes, such as by posting the amended Terms and updating the “Last Updated” date or, if the changes, in our sole discretion, are material, we may notify you through our Services or other communications. Any changes will apply on a going-forward basis, and, unless we say otherwise, the amended Terms will be effective immediately. By continuing to use our Services after we’ve notified you, you agree to be bound by the new Terms. You have the right to object to any changes at any time by ceasing your use of our Services and canceling any subscription you have.8. TerminationWe may terminate your access to all or any part of our Services at any time, with or without cause or notice, effective immediately, including if we believe, in our sole discretion, that you have violated this Agreement, any service guidelines, or other applicable terms. We have the right (though not the obligation) to ask you to make adjustments or terminate your access to the Services or to terminate or deny access to and use of any of our Services to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any fees previously paid.You can stop using our Services at any time, or, if you use a Paid Service, you can cancel at any time, subject to the Fees, Payment, and Renewal section of these Terms.9. DisclaimersOur Services are provided “as is.” Girlhood Academy hereby disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied, to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Girlhood Academy does not make any warranty that our Services will be error free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted.
You understand that you download from, or otherwise obtain content or services through, our Services at your own discretion and risk.
Medical DisclaimerYou understand and agree that this site is intended to provide information and education and is not intended as medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice and is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, prevention, cure or guarantee. Girlhood Academy and our staff or agents are not mental health professionals, licensed medical practitioners, doctors, therapists, registered dieticians, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, or other professionally licensed health care providers or professionals. The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment for your individual condition and circumstance. You should consult with a licensed and/or registered health care professional about your individual condition and circumstance. You warrant that you have a physician’s approval to participate or are participating without the approval of a physician of your own volition and at your own risk. Do not stop taking any prescribed medications or disregard or delay seeking medical advice based on any information contained in this website or materials requested through email. You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your mental well-being, including your dietary, mental and physical choices and decisions. You agree to seek medical advice as determined by your own judgment before taking any action in connection to the information contained on this site.Testimonial DisclaimerTestimonials appearing on this website are received via text, audio, or video submission. They are individual’s actual experiences, reflecting the real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services. We are not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to this site. You understand that any testimonials or endorsements by our customers or audience represented on this site, or through our products, programs, other websites, content, landing pages, sales pages or offerings, are solely opinions from individuals. Similarly, any information contained on this site and on our other programs, content and offerings are solely our opinion and therefore, not representations, warranties, or guarantees of any kind.Legal and Financial DisclaimerYou understand and agree that this site is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is not professional, financial, or legal advice. Please consult with an attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor who understands your particular personal, professional, and financial situation so that you can take the right steps for you and your situation.10. Limitation of LiabilityIn no event will Girlhood Academy, or its partners, be liable (including for any third-party products or services purchased or used through our Services) with respect to any subject matter of the Agreement under any contract, negligence, strict liability or other legal or equitable theory for: (i) any special, incidental or consequential damages; (ii) the cost of procurement for substitute products or services; (iii) for interruption of use or loss or corruption of data; or (iv) for any amounts that exceed $50 or the fees paid by you to Girlhood Academy under the Agreement during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action, whichever is greater. Automattic shall have no liability for any failure or delay due to matters beyond its reasonable control. The foregoing shall not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.European Users: If we cause damage to you and you are a consumer in Europe, we limit our liability to the maximum amount permissible in your country of residence. Liability will be limited to foreseeable damages arising due to a breach of material contractual obligations typical for this type of contract. Automattic isn’t liable for damages that result from a non-material breach of any other applicable duty of care. This limitation of liability will not apply to any statutory liability that cannot be limited. You and we agree that we and our affiliates’ total liability is limited to the greater of $50 or the amount paid by you to use our Services during the 12 months preceding the claim; To the extent that our liability is limited or excluded, the limitations or exclusions will also apply to the personal liability of our employees, legal representatives, and vicarious agents.11. IndemnificationYou agree to indemnify and hold harmless Girlhood Academy, its contractors, and its partners, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, demands, damages, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to your use of our Services, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement or any agreement with a provider of third-party services used in connection with the Services.12. MiscellaneousThe Agreement (together with any other terms we provide that apply to any specific Service) constitutes the entire agreement between Girlhood Academy and you concerning our Services. If any part of the Agreement is unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part is severable from the Agreement, and does not affect the validity or enforceability of the rest of the Agreement. A waiver by either party of any term or condition of the Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.Girlhood Academy may assign its rights under the Agreement without condition. You may only assign your rights under the Agreement with our prior written consent.These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with United States law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the information contained herein is subject to adjudication in the state of Oregon, USA. The exclusive venue for any arbitration or court proceeding based on or arising out of this Agreement shall be Multnomah County, Oregon. The parties agree to attempt to resolve any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement by mediation, which shall be conducted under the then current mediation procedures of The CPR Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution or any other procedure upon which the parties may agree. The parties further agree that their respective good faith participation in mediation is a condition precedent to pursuing any other available legal or equitable remedy, including litigation, arbitration, or other dispute resolution procedures.Contact Information
[email protected]

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is critically important to us. At Girlhood Academy, we follow the below fundamental principles:We are thoughtful about the personal information we ask you to provide and the personal information that we collect about you through the operation of our services.We store personal information for only as long as we have a reason to keep it.We aim to make it as simple as possible for you to control what information on your website is shared publicly (or kept private), indexed by search engines, and permanently deleted.We help protect you from overreaching government demands for your personal information.
We aim for full transparency on how we gather, use, and share your personal information.
Below is our Privacy Policy, which incorporates and clarifies these principles.This Privacy Policy applies to information that we collect about you when you use:Our websites
Other Girlhood Academy products, services, and features that are available on or through our websites
This Privacy Policy also applies to information we collect when you apply for a job at Girlhood Academy.Throughout this Privacy Policy we'll refer to our website and other products and services collectively as "Services."Below we explain how we collect, use, and share information about you, along with the choices that you have with respect to that information.Information We CollectWe only collect information about you if we have a reason to do so — for example, to provide our Services, to communicate with you, or to make our Services better.We collect this information from three sources: if and when you provide information to us, automatically through operating our Services, and from outside sources. Let's go over the information that we collect.Information You Provide to Us: It's probably no surprise that we collect information that you provide to us directly. Here are some examples:Payment and contact information: There are various ways in which you may provide us payment information and associated contact information. For example, if you buy something from us, we'll collect information to process those payments and contact you. If you buy something from us — a spot in a cohort based program, a membership subscription — you'll provide additional personal and payment information like your name, credit card information, and contact information. We also keep a record of the purchases you've made. You may also provide us with financial details to set up a payments integration, like the email address for your Stripe or PayPal account or your bank account information.Communications with us (hi there!): You may also provide us with information when you respond to surveys, communicate with our team about a support question, post a question in our public forums, or sign up for a newsletter. When you communicate with us via form, email, phone, girlhood.com comment, or otherwise, we store a copy of our communications (including any call recordings as permitted by applicable law).Job applicant information: If you apply for a job with us — awesome! You may provide us with information like your name, contact information, resume or CV, professional or personal references, similar professional and employment-related data, and work authorization verification as part of the application process. We may also collect additional information about you during the process, like background and credit checks (in applicable jurisdictions and only for certain job roles). You may also provide us with demographic information when required by law or to support our diverse workplace initiatives, such as your gender, racial or ethnic origin, veteran status, and disability status if you voluntarily submit such information as part of your application. We collect demographic information in accordance with applicable law, and do not request demographic information in jurisdictions where it may be prohibited. We will only use this sensitive information to accommodate a disability or illness, comply with legal obligations, protect the health and safety of our employees, and facilitate our internal programs relating to diversity, inclusion, and anti-discrimination.Information We Collect Automatically
We also collect some information automatically:
Log information: Like most online service providers, we collect information that web browsers, mobile devices, and servers typically make available, including the browser type, IP address, unique device identifiers, language preference, referring site, the date and time of access, operating system, and mobile network information.Transactional information: When you make a purchase through our Services, we collect information about the transaction, such as product details, purchase price, and the date and location of the transaction.Location information: We may determine the approximate location of your device from your IP address. We collect and use this information to, for example, calculate how many people visit our Services from certain geographic regions.How and Why We Use InformationPurposes for Using Information
We use information about you for the purposes listed below:
To provide our Services. For example, to provide customer service or process payments.To ensure quality, maintain safety, and improve our Services. For example, by monitoring and analyzing how users interact with our Services so we can make our Services easier to use.To market our Services and measure, gauge, and improve the effectiveness of our marketing.To protect our Services, our users, and the public. For example, by detecting security incidents; detecting and protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; fighting spam; complying with our legal obligations; and protecting the rights and property of Girlhood Academy and others, which may result in us, for example, declining a transaction or terminating Services.To communicate with you. For example, by emailing you to ask for your feedback, share tips for getting the most out of our products, or keep you up to date on Girlhood.To recruit and hire new team members. For example, by evaluating job applicants (including verifying their identity, experience, and other information submitted) and communicating with them by phone, email, or social media platforms. If the application progresses, we may also collect interview information and background check information. This may also include verifying information required to initiate employment, for purposes such as confirming ability to legally work in a specific location, setting up payroll, and complying with statutory reporting requirements.Legal Bases for Collecting and Using InformationA note here for those in the European Union about our legal grounds for processing information about you under EU data protection laws, which is that our use of your information is based on the grounds that:(1) The use is necessary in order to fulfill our commitments to you under the applicable terms of service or other agreements with you or is necessary to administer your account — for example, in order to charge you for a payment; or(2) The use is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation; or(3) The use is necessary in order to protect your vital interests or those of another person; or(4) We have a legitimate interest in using your information — for example, to provide and update our Services; to improve our Services so that we can offer you an even better user experience; to safeguard our Services; to communicate with you; to measure, gauge, and improve the effectiveness of our marketing; to monitor and prevent any problems with our Services; and to personalize your experienceSharing InformationHow We Share Information
We share information about you in limited circumstances, and with appropriate safeguards on your privacy. These are spelled out below:
Subsidiaries and independent contractors: We may disclose information about you to our subsidiaries and independent contractors who need the information to help us provide our Services or process the information on our behalf. We require our subsidiaries and independent contractors to follow this Privacy Policy for any personal information that we share with them.Third-party vendors: We may share information about you with third-party vendors who need the information in order to provide their services to us, or to provide their services to you or your site. This includes vendors that help us provide our Services to you (like payment providers that process your credit and debit card information, postal and email delivery services that help us stay in touch with you, customer chat and email support services that help us communicate with you; those that assist us with our marketing efforts (e.g., by providing tools for identifying a specific marketing target group or improving our marketing campaigns, and by placing ads to market our services); those that help us understand and enhance our Services (like analytics providers); those that make tools to help us run our operations (like programs that help us with task management, scheduling, word processing, email and other communications, and collaboration among our teams); and other third-party tools that help us manage operations. We require vendors to agree to privacy commitments in order to share information with them.Legal and regulatory requirements: We may disclose information about you in response to a subpoena, court order, or other governmental request.To protect rights, property, and others: We may disclose information about you when we believe in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of Girlhood Academy, third parties, or the public at large.Aggregated or de-identified information: We may share information that has been aggregated or de-identified, so that it can no longer reasonably be used to identify you. For instance, we may publish aggregate statistics about the use of our Services.How Long We Keep InformationWe generally discard information about you when it's no longer needed for the purposes for which we collect and use it — described in the section above on How and Why We Use Information — and we're not legally required to keep it.If you are a job applicant, we will keep your personal data during the application process, and for a certain period thereafter. To determine that period, we take into account a number of factors, like our legal and regulatory obligations (such as equal opportunity obligations) and whether we may need to retain personal data for internal business purposes like analyzing our applicant pool.ChoicesYou have several choices available when it comes to information about you:Limit the information that you provideOpt out of marketing communications: You may opt out of receiving promotional communications from us. Just follow the instructions in those communications or let us know. If you opt out of promotional communications, we may still send you other communications, like legal notices.Your RightsIf you are located in certain parts of the world, including some US states and countries that fall under the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation (aka the "GDPR"), you may have certain rights regarding your personal information, like the right to request access to or deletion of your data.European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
If you are located in a country that falls under the scope of the GDPR, data protection laws give you certain rights with respect to your personal data, subject to any exemptions provided by the law, including the rights to:
Request access to your personal data;
Request correction or deletion of your personal data;
Object to our use and processing of your personal data;
Request that we limit our use and processing of your personal data; and
Request portability of your personal data.
You also have the right to make a complaint to a government supervisory authority.
US Privacy Laws
Laws in some US states require us to provide residents with additional information about the categories of personal information we collect and share, where we get that personal information, and how and why we use it. You'll find that information in this section (if you are a California resident, please note that this is the Notice at Collection we are required to provide you under California law).
In the last 12 months, we collected the following categories of personal information, depending on the Services used:Identifiers (like your name, contact information, and device and online identifiers);
Commercial information (your billing information and purchase history, for example);
Characteristics protected by law (for example, you might provide your gender as part of a research survey for us or you may choose to voluntarily disclose your race or veteran status as part of your job application);
Internet or other electronic network activity information (such as your usage of our Services, like the actions you take as an administrator of a WordPress.com site);
Geolocation data (such as your location based on your IP address);
If you are a job applicant, we may have also collected:Education information, such as the education you disclose in your job application.
You can find more information about what we collect and sources of that information in the Information We Collect section above.
We collect personal information for the business and commercial purposes described in the How and Why We Use Information section. And we share this information with the categories of third parties described in the Sharing Information section. We retain this information for the length of time described in our How Long We Keep Information section.In some US states you have additional rights subject to any exemptions provided by your state's respective law, including the right to:Request a copy of the specific pieces of information we collect about you and, if you're in California, to know the categories of personal information we collect, the categories of business or commercial purpose for collecting and using it, the categories of sources from which the information came, and the categories of third parties we share it with;
Request deletion of personal information we collect or maintain;
Request correction of personal information we collect or maintain;
Opt out of the sale or sharing of personal information;
Receive a copy of your information in a readily portable format; and
Not receive discriminatory treatment for exercising your rights.
You can find detailed metrics about Automattic's compliance with these rights in our Privacy Report.
Right to Opt OutWe may share your information as necessary with our third-party service providers to provide our services to you.We do not collect or process your sensitive (and potentially sensitive) personal information except where it is strictly necessary to provide you with our service, where the processing is not for the purpose of inferring characteristics about you, or for other purposes that do not require an option to limit under California law. We don't knowingly sell or share personal information of those under 16. If you are under age 16, do not access or use our website or related products or services. If you become aware that we have collected data of anyone under the age of 16, please contact us so that we may delete that data.

Contacting Us About These RightsYou can access, correct, or delete your personal data by contacting us.When you contact us about one of your rights under this section, we'll need to verify that you are the right person before we disclose or delete anything. For example, if you are a user, we will need you to contact us from the email address associated with your account. You can also designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf by giving us written authorization. We may still require you to verify your identity with us.In some circumstances we may deny your request to exercise one of these rights. For example, if we cannot verify that you are the account owner we may deny your request to access the personal information associated with your account. As another example, if we are legally required to maintain a copy of your personal information we may deny your request to delete your personal information.How to Reach Us
If you have a question about this Privacy Policy, or you would like to contact us about any of the rights mentioned in the Your Rights section above, please contact us through our web form or via email. These are the fastest ways to get a response to your inquiry.
Privacy Policy Changes
Although most changes are likely to be minor, Girlhood Academy may change its Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the change log below, and, in some cases, we may provide additional notice (like adding a statement to our homepage or sending you a notification through email). Your further use of the Services after a change to our Privacy Policy will be subject to the updated policy.
This Privacy Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with United States law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the information contained herein is subject to adjudication in the state of Oregon, USA.

Hehehe, we see you

Breaking the rules Letting curiousity lead and taking calculated risks to find out what's true for yourself. You're one of us. Welcome to our secret rule breaking Innovation-forward club. All of you is welcome here. Curious, wild, shy, chaotic, silly, ferocious.